Nolwenn Blache graduated from VetAgro Sup, agronomic campus, France, in 2020, specializing in the relationship with agriculture, environment, health, and territories. She then collaborated on research in participatory methods at VetAgro Sup, Clermont-Ferrand. In 2022, she began her PhD under the supervision of Pr. Karine Chalvet-Monfray, Dr. Christophe Déprés, and Pr. Serge Morand. Her research focuses on integrating spatial analysis, public health data, and ecological modeling to better understand and manage vector-borne diseases like scrub typhus and Lyme disease. During her PhD, she completed a long-term research stay at HealthDEEP (CNRS) in Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Title : The influence of evolving land covers on Scrub typhus spread in Nan Province, Thailand (2003-2019)