Dr. Ayllón completed her degree (2005) and PhD in Veterinary Medicine (2009) at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain and is currently Lecturer at Complutense (UCM) and Alfonso X el Sabio (UAX) Universities in Spain and collaborating researcher at Fiocruz, Brazil. Her research experience includes the study of infectious diseases that impact both veterinary and human health and antimicrobial drugresistant microorganisms. She has held two postdoctoral positions at Free University of Berlin, Germany (2012-2013) and Oswaldo Cruz Institution, Brazil (2015-2019), focused on the entomo-virological surveillance of different pathogens. She has published 23 research papers in SCI Journals and is member of different research groups: Health Surveillance (UCM); Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses in Carnivores (UAX); Antimicrobial Resistance (UAX); Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM); AVEPA and ESCMID.
Title : Insights into West Nile Virus Seroprevalence in wild birds and equines: A focus on Madrid Province, Spain