HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

8th Edition of World Congress on Infectious Diseases

June 09-11, 2025 | Rome, Italy

June 09 -11, 2025 | Rome, Italy
Infection 2022

Effect of Ozone on Hematological Parameters

Speaker at Infectious Diseases Conference - Hector Javier Gallardo Valencia
Michoacana University, Mexico
Title : Effect of Ozone on Hematological Parameters


Ozone therapy has been used for therapeutic purposes since the end of the 17th century, in different modalities with unexpected therapeutic results in some pathologies. However, there is still a high prejudice in the medical community in general to the use of this therapy (Schwarts & Martinez-Sanchez, 2012).

The objective of the present investigation was to compare the effects of ozone applied by rectal insufflation on hematic cells, both the red and white formulas with different levels of ozone and measured at 24, 48 and 72 hours post application.

3 batches of 5 rabbits each were used in which 3 different doses of ozone were applied by rectal insufflation: the first batch only oxygen, the second batch 35 micrograms/ml/kg of live weight of ozone and the third batch 70 micrograms/ml. ml/kg live weight of ozone.

The results of the hemograms were concentrated in tables and the data was entered into the SAS statistical program, showing in table 5 ANOVA at 24 hours significant differences in leukocytes and segmented neutrophils, likewise at 48 hours significant differences are also observed, maintaining the segmented neutrophils and adding lymphocytes and monocytes.

As conclusions, it can be ensured that, with the administration of ozone rectally, bone marrow and the immune system are stimulated for the production and release of leukocytes into the blood circulation and the use of ozone therapy has demonstrated its effectiveness in inducing immune responses and stabilization in the lymphocyte production.

What will audience learn from your presentation?

  • Importance of the use of ozone therapy
  • Impact of ozone therapy on hematological parameters
  • Effects of ozone therapy on the immune system


Dr Hector Javier Gallardo Valencia studied Veterinary at the Michoacana University, México and gradruated as MS in 2001. He has worked with wild species and private clinical with small animals. He received his PhD degree in 2015 at the Oviedo University. He obtained the position of an Associate Professor. He has published a several research articles. His investigations have been directed towards the use of ozone in common therapeutics of small animals as well as exotic ones.
