Title : Rare Atypical Subcutaneous Fungal Infections
Emergence of atypical fungal infections rare opportunistic fungal infection caused by saprophytes of genera such as Fusarium, Paecilomyces, Scedosporium, Penicillium, Scopulariopsis Acremonium, and similar fungi.
Methods: We report an instance of 3 cases of atypical fungal infections first in a 50-year-old woman, known to have diabetes, who presented with multiple raised lesions on the upper back of two years' duration. Second in a 33 years old male patient and third in 36 year old male HIV +ve patient.
Conclusions: There is emergence of rare opportunistic fungal infections of Dermatological importance. we should look for these infections in immunosuppression. These patients have substantial morbidity and can be best treated with aggressive antifungal therapy.
What will audience learn from your presentation?
- Audience will be made aware about emergence of rare opportunistic fungal infections in immunosuppression like HIV, Diabetes,malignancy.
- As these patients have substantial morbidity
- Treating physicians will be able to diagnose and best treat with aggressive antifungal therapy and reduce morbidity and mortality.