Tropical infections thrive in the tropics' hot and humid climate. Viruses, bacteria, and parasites cause them, and they spread by airborne transmission, sexual contact, and contaminated food and water sources. Through bug bites, insects or other animals can spread tropical infections. Neglected tropical infections afflict the world's poorest countries, affecting around 1.4 billion people in 149 countries. Every year, they cost poor countries billions of dollars. In temperate regions, diseases are less common, owing in part to the presence of a cold season, which limits insect populations by forcing hibernation. Exploration of tropical rainforests by humans, deforestation, rising immigration, and greater international air travel and other tourism to tropical regions have resulted in an increase in the occurrence of such diseases in non-tropical countries.
Title : The role of the humoral innate immune system in evasion of streptococcus pyogenes infections
Francis J. Castellino, University of Notre Dame, United States
Title : Global environmental changes and mosquito-borne diseases in coastal areas
Ranjan Ramasamy, IDFISH Technology, United States
Title : The impact of global antibiotic resistance on the healthcare system, public health, environment and society
Reza Nassiri, Michigan State University, United States
Title : Current topics of adult COVID-19, Influenza, and RS virus patients in Japan
Seki Masafumi, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, Japan
Title : Impressive virologic suppression of SHIV infection with long-term AAV delivery of monoclonal antibodies
Ronald Desrosiers, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, United States
Title : Novel nanotechnology and its potential applications
Stephen Hsu, Augusta University, United States