An internist, often known as an internal medicine doctor, is a doctor who specialises in internal medicine. Internal medicine focuses on injury and disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Internal medicine specialists are educated to diagnose and treat common diseases, acute and chronic illnesses, and difficult diagnostic issues. Internal medicine doctors concentrate in the treatment of adults within general medicine, while they may have additional training in subspecialties such as infectious illnesses. Infectious disease medicine is an internal medicine discipline that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of infections. Although general internists and other specialty physicians treat the majority of infections, infectious disease internists are regularly called upon to help diagnose unknown illnesses and manage difficult, uncommon, or severe infections. Infectious disease medicine necessitates a thorough grasp of how bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasite illnesses manifest clinically in humans, as well as knowledge of antimicrobial medicines, antibiotic resistance, vaccines, and other immunobiological agents.
Title : Risk factors of mortality and development of a scoring system for predicting mortality among patients with leptospirosis
Goutham Krishna T.C, Government Medical College, India
Title : Latin America and the Caribbean consortium: Connecting excellence to enhance the skills base of local research teams in emerging infectious diseases
Fernando Rubinstein, Instituto de Efectividad Clinica y Sanitaria, Argentina
Title : Laparoscopic heller myotomy with anterior fundoplication in an elderly male patient with achalasia and coexisting miliary tuberculosis: A case report
Abraham P. Bayan , Capitol Medical Center, Philippines
Title : A single center retrospective study on the incidence and clinical outcomes of patients infected with Klebsiella Pneumoniae Carbapenemase (KPC)-producing klebsiella pneumoniae
Kevin Cezar A. Estacio, Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research Medical Center, Philippines
Title : Incidence of acute pancreatitis among patients with moderate to severe leptospirosis and its clinical outcomes: A single center retrospective study in a tertiary hospital
Karizza Angeles, Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research Medical Center, Philippines
Title : Overlooked possible menace to life also known as PML
Alejandro Carmona Casillas, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico