Animal disease is a disturbance in an animal's normal state that interrupts or changes its vital processes. Concern for animal diseases can be traced back to the earliest human interactions with animals, and it is mirrored in early religious and magical beliefs. Animal diseases continue to be a source of concern, owing to the financial losses they inflict as well as the possibility of transfer of the causative agents to people. The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of animal diseases is called veterinary medicine. Veterinarians diagnose and treat sick and wounded animals, as well as prevent the spread of animal diseases to humans and advise owners on proper animal care. In veterinary medicine, both the concept of health and the concept of disease are important.
Title : Risk factors of mortality and development of a scoring system for predicting mortality among patients with leptospirosis
Goutham Krishna T.C, Government Medical College, India
Title : Latin America and the Caribbean consortium: Connecting excellence to enhance the skills base of local research teams in emerging infectious diseases
Fernando Rubinstein, Instituto de Efectividad Clinica y Sanitaria, Argentina
Title : Laparoscopic heller myotomy with anterior fundoplication in an elderly male patient with achalasia and coexisting miliary tuberculosis: A case report
Abraham P. Bayan , Capitol Medical Center, Philippines
Title : A single center retrospective study on the incidence and clinical outcomes of patients infected with klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing klebsiella pneumoniae
Kevin Cezar A. Estacio, Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research Medical Center, Philippines
Title : Incidence of acute pancreatitis among patients with moderate to severe leptospirosis and its clinical outcomes: A single center retrospective study in a tertiary hospital
Karizza Angeles, Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research Medical Center, Philippines
Title : Overlooked possible menace to life also known as PML
Alejandro Carmona Casillas, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico