Title : The implementation and outcomes of an Iiclusion health program to improve the care of people who use substances with invasive infections presenting to a tertiary health service in Melbourne
The Inclusion Health Program was set up to develop a model of care for people who inject drugs and who have developed acute infections. The aim of the program is to improve both the patient and the healthcare provider experiences by improving healthcare outcomes (treatment completion, reduction in patient directed discharges, readmissions and mortality) through the adoption of a ?exible patient-centred and trauma-informed model of care. In addition by reducing unplanned directed discharges and behaviours of concern, improving care-planning and co-ordination it is expected to improve sta? satisfaction. The inclusion health program, which is being run as a pilot program over two years, will operate across acute and speciality services, initially focussing on one ward and involving infectious diseases, addition medicine, Hospital in the Home and community based services. A description of the service and outcomes from the first year of operation will be presented. Data has been collected over the first 12 months of the project and comparisons between the first and second 6 months will be presented. Preliminary evaluation of data and benefits arising from the implementation will be explored.